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What's Up in the Arctic These Days?

By: Fr. Tony Krótki OMI

Few impressions...

The life in the Arctic is still in its winter phase although the coat is getting slightly different as you can imagine. The temperature in the last few days was only around -10 Celsius. Blue sky, little wind, snow birds and fog in the morning are all signs of the inevitable coming of the spring.

The USA “Global Worming 101” expedition arrived to some villages after three months of journey and research and told everyone that the climate is changing. Though we may see it in certain places other areas remain the same. Some lakes have ice 7 feet thick as always but in other places the ice is getting thinner.

It is almost as with human beings - in one way we improve and change and in another way we stay the same or even experience negative change. Paradoxically the spring in the Arctic reveals also the dirt so far hidden under the snow and thus we see what we need to clean and what to take care of. Snow covers things very well in dark winter months but with light we see things differently, we see what we did not see before. It is time for repairs, for upgrade.

All snowmobiles are still on the roads, only the winter coats been replaced with spring ones. Bicycles are forced through the snow at times pushed by children who never have time to worry about gloves and hats. People walk around with fresh sun tan and some with dark brown windburns. On top of that we enjoy twenty-four hours daylight. The Arctic is truly great place to live.

We are still here and spiritually strong present for God in the God's Country traveling on the White Free Highway, Highway without ends, God's Highway.


Youth Group from Hall Beach


During the meeting